Battle MU season 20 Grand Opening New server X99999
Season 20 | 9999X | ||
50% | MU reset về thành | ||
25.01.2025 (20h) | 25.01.2025 (20h) | ||
Link truy cập website | Link truy cập trang hỗ trợ |
BattleMu Project X99999 Opening
This is a new Mu Online long-term gaming project! Server is build on the latest Season 20 Part 1 Server files with lots of customs to make the game long-term!
Exciting PVE from first resets till maximum stats 32000
Version: Season 20part 1
Experience: X1000, Master X1000, Majestic X1000
Points per level: Standart 5/7 Stats stays.
Reset in game: /reset 10Wcoins 1000 ruud, Stats burns! No Reset limit! After reset auto move character to lorencia! Points per level: Standart
Master points: 2
Majestic points: 1
Starter bonus:
Panda Pets 3days Buff & 3days Panda Ring/startergift
Warrior 200 and 350lvl ring
Website Achievement system by doing missions in game earn:
Chaos machine for leveling up items to +11= 100% Succes rate!
Happy Hour exp: Morning 8-9 Evening 20-21 Server time
All top bosses respawn every 2hours!
Golden invasion Every 1hour!
Socket Weapons +15 +5sockets extra: Auto combo chance 5%
4th Wings +15 extra: 200% Elemental damage +1'000'000 HP
5th Wings +15 extra: 400% Elemental damage +3'000'000 HP
Apocalypse Weapoms items +15 extra: Critical/Double Damage
Resetting stats ingame, commands: example /decstr 11
Make perfect build, rebuild stats
Decrease Strenght points = /decstr
Decrease Agility points = /decagi
Decrease Vitality points = /decvit
Decrease Energy points = /decene
Decrease Command points = /deccmd
/npc To Open shop npc, to sell or buy
/store To Open vault
/evo Evolve quests
/addstats Add stats automaticaly evenly
Party: Get more experience with bigger parties: 5Unique characters in party (Gold party) gets the highest exp bonus.